Sunday, March 27, 2011


Many of you probably already know this, but I want to go to Italy. Specifically three places.

And Rome
I have since I was in second grade. It was the 2004 Olympics (held in Athens) and everyone had a country in my class, and they had to bring a food from that country, learn about the culture, the coins, and other things. And ever since then I've loved everything about Italy and wanted to go. Italian food also happens to be my favorite, I love the sites there, and I really want to ride the water taxis and gondolas there.
Plus I've always wanted to try real Italian gelato . Apparently it's what ice cream is supposed to taste like, and since I love ice cream, gelato must taste like a little piece of heaven on earth.

And I would show you a picture of what ice cream looks like compared to that, but it won't let me upload one anymore for some reason, but I'm sure you all know what ice cream looks like.
I actually love all of Europe, and would love to tour all of it. Italy as my first priority of course, then France, Greece, Spain Germany, and any other place that I could go to. As I said before I've wanted to go to Italy for a really long time, and always planned to go, but I never actually had a plan to help me get there. I just always just assumed some how I would go. A couple of weeks ago though, Kelsey told me that one of her friends is going to Europe, and that she'd been saving up since she was my age.
So I finally looked reality in the face, and realized that the money was going to have to come from somewhere, and I would have to save like crazy starting now, and make a lot of sacrifices. Which it will be really hard for me to say no to my friends sometimes when they ask me if I want to go to a movie with them since movie tickets are 8.50 now. And to say no to myself when I see a really cute shirt I want. I'll say yes sometimes of course though. ;)
That's why I took a jar, and it's now my Italy jar, and in a time very far from now it will be filled with hundreds of dollars. And then I will have to get another jar, or maybe even a couple more, and fill them up too, and then maybe I will have enough to go. So far I am a whole $6 closer to my goal! Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Forbidden Warmth

For Spring break we were planning to go to the Oregon Coast, but when my mom looked up the weather, and saw that it was raining almost every day she decided against it. So, being the spur of the moment family that we are, we packed up our bags and left 4 hours later to St. George, Utah to visit our grandparents.

It was a ton of fun, and warrrmmm!!! Warmth is something Moscow has been missing for 6 months. And we probably won't have it for another 3, since we have 9 months of winter, 1 month of spring and fall, and 1 month of summer. That is why I will be moving to California once I grow up.
As I said before Spring Break was lots of fun. I loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa Woolley, especially since we don't often see them because they live 17 hours away. We also went hiking, went to the park, played laser tag, watched movies, had the rare chance to experience real shopping, and most of all enjoyed the sun.
If you read my blog you know that our family does not usually remember to bring the camera to places, hence the absence of photos. An unusual thing happened this time though, somehow the camera actually got into our car, and we actually brought it with us. So the first day we got there, when we went to climb the red rocks, we actually had the camera with us. A miracle! But, my dad took one photo, and then it died, and we never went to buy new batteries. So one photo is all we have, and it actually happens to be of me, but I can't find it. Photoless again. At least of us, but here's a photo of the red rocks. And this is about where we were in St. George.

While we were in St. George Grandma reminded me that I hadn't written on my blog in a while, so that's why I wrote this. But the reason I haven't in a while is because it actually kind of bores me just to write what our family is up to. I still will write about that sort of stuff when big things happen, but from now on most of the time I'm just going to write about the things that interest me. Prepare yourself! ;)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

CD Covers

So my friend showed me this on Facebook, and I know it's kind of silly but it's fun, easy, and really cool.
1. Go to Wikipedia and hit "random." The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. 2. Go to and hit "random." The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album. 3. Go and click on “explore the last seven days.” The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. 4. Use photoshop or similar software ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together. 5. Post it with this text in the caption and tag the friends you want to join in.

The first two are one's that my friend's did, and the last two are ones that I did. My favorite one is the flower one. And yeah, that's all I have to say. :)